Grade School :D
I lost track of most of these folks, but a couple of years ago met up with one of them again. I also met up with the sister of one of the girls in my class. She was in my ward a couple of years ago, I thought she was her younger sister but then found that it wasn't. I really like both of them, they are nice girls.
I am bringing this up because I was recently talking to my other grade school class mate, Brandon on Facebook, it is a funny story about how we met up again.
A few years ago, I was waiting in line at a subway sandwich shop near the university when Brandon walked in with his wife and baby daughter, his daughter is about 4 now so it has been about 4 years since this happened. He recognized me right off and I recognized him but couldn't recall his name. He had glasses in grade school so, I guess that's my excuse.
That is all well and good, it was nice to see him again and to meet his wife and baby. I lost track of everyone since I got married so young and they all have young families.
The next time I saw him I think was at the store, I mistook him for my brothers friend. It was funny because I was standing there racking my brain to think of what his name was again, duh!! I was like "I know you from somewhere... are you my brothers friend? He just grinned about that and was really nice to go along with my brain lapse, until I figured out it was him.
After that I went home really embarrassed for being such a dork, really embarrassed, I thought about calling him up to apologize but felt like an idiot.
So luckily for me, he found me on Facebook. I was able to say sorry in a far less... uh embarrassing way, and he was good about it.
He is a pilot now, which I think is cool, and he has a beautiful family with two little girls and a little boy on the way!
I haven't talked much with him though, I usually don't do too much on Facebook, but I was on there Monday looking up the Anita Stansfield fan club (yeah!! I am a nerd) and he popped up a chat to say hi.
I talked to him again today to learn that no, in elementary school not everyone hated me like I thought, some people actually thought well of me.
Grade school is fuzzy to me, partially because it was so long ago and partially because my mind was foggy from Celiacs disease. I was really in my own world in Grade school, the girls were very "clicky" and didn't like me. The boys, well, I remember them vaguely.
I remember thinking that Brandon was really smart, and I knew he was shy but I didn't think about it too much. Thomas, who later asked me out, was kind of mean to me. Tim, Adam, Darwin and Jonathan were mean to me as well (I am looking at my class picture here). I remember Jeremy but not too well. Then there was Ben and Russ, they were in my ward (church) oooo, they made me mad! They picked on me everywhere I went, I know they didn't like me.
Brandon asked me if I remember when our teachers tried to get us to square dance, oh yes I remember that. It was in the school gym (er, lunchroom?), the teachers lined everyone up demonstrated the steps with a couple of the kids, then turned on the square dance music as they called out "Swing your partner, do si do, up to the left and off we go." They had two lines of students facing each other, girls on one side, boys on the other. They had us hold hands and dance down the line, trading partners. I remember dancing with Brandon, & Thomas for the most part I remember all of those darn boys teasing me. So when I got paired up with Brandon and he wouldn't hold my hand it made me mad! I grabbed his hand and made him dance.
Square dancing, haven't done that for a long time, I don't know if I ever have square danced again. Tongans, sort of shake and clap, a really boring thing to do. I always wished that I could learn how to dance for real but that never happened. (It's on the list of stuff to learn) ;D
This is an adorable story. Facebook is good like that. ;)
I would never meet any of my school folks.
At least not unless I went prison visiting!
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