Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Not Much Going on Today... ;D

Well, I got up and exercised today... walked up to mom's and back (and I took off my shoes to run around in their back lawn... cause' they have a large plot of land and why not?)

Today, has been, eh... alright I guess.

I made some soup for lunch, chicken stock, potato skins, celery, celtic sea salt, Chickpea Miso, and garlic... it was very yummy!! (and balances your minerals as well)

The kids want to go up to moms, so they are bugging me... I guess I will oblige the critters!


Adullamite said...

Wot? No broon sauce in the soup?

Strawberry Girl said...

Crud!! I forgot the brown sauce, I am a hopeless cause...


Mike Smith said...

Reminds me of the time I was accosted by a well painted 'lady of the night'.

'Would you like some super sex?' she asked.

'If it's all the same with you, dear' I replied, 'I'll have the soup...'

Strawberry Girl said...

*Chuckles* Now that's hard to believe... ;D