Monday, August 17, 2009


I couldn't sleep last night...

woke up at about 4 a.m. mind racing about all the stuff I should be doing (and as we all know sometimes the mind is illogical during the subconcious hours). No amount of argueing with myself could get my brain to shut off so that I could sleep.

So I am tired, but I got some stuff done I was a good girl.

I went to meet S's teacher, I like her, she's going to be a good one for him to have. I then went up to Wally world to buy some writing paper for S, the special kind that is spaced a bit further out. I will focus more on the kids this year, make sure they are getting their work done, everything will be OK... ;D (I am trying to get this into my subconscious so that it will leave me alone tonight)

Well, I am off, I gotta make some chicken soup... speaking of chickens I had an extremely happy moment today when I found a place that sells farm fresh eggs and such not too far from here!! The eggs are only $3.50 a dozen! (you may think that is expensive but it is far better than the $6.00 a dozen that they charge up at Real Foods. Farm fresh eggs simply cannot be beat, that is the long and short of it!)

Yawn... please let me sleep tonight, please...


Adullamite said...

Thoughts when you wake in the wee small hours are often raw.
Consider them carefully.

Mike Smith said...

Chicken soup? Doesn't that taste a bit fowl...?