Thursday, August 20, 2009

Snark, snore, wa?

Today, woke up

and yes from an odd dream yet I cannot recall the details... though it involves swimming around through the floors of the university that I went to... don't really know what that was about. Maybe we need to go visit the water park or something.

I spent the day chasing around errands and caught a few.

Ate curried chicken for dinner, yummy!!

Then went to a parenting class where we learned to validate our kids feelings... It was good because I sorted out some things, got some good ideas.

Wrote a new post on my writing bloggity blog, it is styled after the feelings created from reading Charles Dickons "A Tale of Two Cities." So, it is interesting...

Now I am sososososo tired, all I ask is that I don't wake up at 4 am, that R dosen't wet the bed (she sleeps with us, that was the day before last nights, keep me awake offense), that I don't have weird dreams about swimming around at the school comando like (with wet suits and all)... all I want is some sleep, sweet sleep.

(So, so much creative energy went into this post... really.)


Bagman and Butler said...

Dreams are some of the favorite parts of my life. I try not to interpret them too closely although over time, I find themes. Water and structures are big ones for me and although I believe each person has their own internal metaphors so that symbols don't mean the same for everybody. For me, structures seem to be related to my body and swimming is kind of a broad metaphor for life force/continuity. If I had that dream it would suggest to me that I am delving deeper into my mind -- University seems like brain -- going down through floors...layers of thought...stuff like that. But its different for everyone.

Adullamite said...

Dreams irk and leave emotions, but mean nothing usually. Yours just mean you wake up when they finish.