Saturday, August 1, 2009

Wool Gathering

I am at this place right now, where I want to gather and assess everything that has gone on in the past little while. I have been blogging for almost a year now, and it has been rewarding for me, I have learned a lot and grown a lot from the daily excersise of trying to convey to the world what you are doing.

Blogging is a good thing, yet sometimes there is an unspoken (and really an imagined) pressure to entertain everyone, and sometimes I am just not that entertaining. In fact I can be just down right awful sometimes, yet still want attention because that is human nature.

I'm attempting to transfer all of my blog posts over to a word document so that they are easier to look at all at once, plus I need to save them somehow without the fear of blogger going kapoot and losing all of those moments from my life. So that is going to be a bit tedious, I have tried to do it before but got tired of it. I think the easiest way to do it is to hit delete by the post that you want to transfer, and a nice little screen pops up with "are you sure you want to delete this?" from which it is easier to copy and paste over to Word. (Of course being careful not to really delete it and all).

This will help me figure out as well the topics that I might do well writing about for a newspaper article or magazine. I read about the method that writers start attempting to get published and that is usually what they do, pick topics and start sending out queries. I will borrow "The Writers Market" from the library to avoid the need to buy it (which I did at one point, many years ago, it became a nice paper weight). I figure that I need to start somewhere, and what I have is a start so I had better use what is already there.

I hope to make the rounds on visiting your blogs a bit later on... ;D



Adullamite said...

Don't blog for others! They move on, just write for yourself!

Strawberry Girl said...

Thanks Adullamite, that is very apt advice, I need to post it on my forehead! ;D